Saturday, April 27, 2013

"The Way Is Simple, But Not For Whiteguy...."

Felt a bit "Spiritual" yesserday....

 An' by cosmic arrangement - thanks MI6 - I came across a copy of Lao Zi's "Tao Te Ching", which I tried to give as a gift to the Chinese Consulate in Toorak, Melbourne oooowh?  about 18-to-20 years ago, when I ran to them for political asylum from the evil fucking psychos in the Kennett-Lib/Nats Victorian state misgovernment.  

The Fine Fellow Consul, was obliged to not accept it, much to my regret and sadness.  

But I benefit now, by still having the book!  

Nevertheless..., I read a few chapters since, and grabbed it 'tother day for a taste of unfettered Wisdom.

The book opened, "as-if for me"  (ooohooowooooh!  Spooky!), at this chapter, 16, and I fell back in love with the Ancient Chinese Wisdom!

So much so, that this little bit of Word-Art was what I just spent this morning and parts of yesserday constructing.

I guess it must be clarified that I don't look down totally on modern technology, nor it's geeks and amazing techies, (LOOK!  I'm also addicted to computers, wireless technological comms, and LED torches, etc etc etc!) but the things I added to the frame here, are something of an "ambit claim", where it becomes necessary to force the point, by stating an emphasis, or exaggeration.  

This, in this case, as might be clear to anyone (heLLO-W?  Is anyone other than Googlebots, reading this?) reading my REALPolitik blogs, shows in my near-war against blind technocrats, steeped until completely absorbed by technology, thence ignoring the inestimable, crucial worth of all things natural.

Another way of hanging shit, is to say that "...we only run to technology because we lost the True Path, all those millennia ago!

One of my last blog posts went pretty well, to that point, methinks, methinks methinks?

This piece of word art, wants viewers to focus on the notes below the main text, points (1), (2) and (3), because they make it clearer as to our True Being, that we can be kingly, and how this is attained.

But..., so sad, last week I caught a few adverts on tele about a bunch of blind egomaniac actors repeating the advertisement script asserting that they're all kings or queens, just to dilute any genuine spirituality in any real lordly character as might deserve the title of "king" or "queen".

Hohum....?  Such are CRAPitalists with technology and too much of an income....?

But here 'tiz...., worth Meditating upon...

(Sorry if it's hard to read...?  Open and enlarge it.)

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